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WriteHuman Shared Access Will Be Added Soon!

WriteHuman Shared Access Will Be Added Soon!

I am excited to inform you that I am soon adding a tool access here in my membership site, which will change the way you create content forever.

It is important to humanize your text after that recent March 2024 core algorithm update, which by the way, led to penalties, deindexing and low visibility of many websites because of AI-generated contents.

As such, I am having hard time myself how to humanize the contents I have here already.

WriteHuman is the best tool I have tested so far as it removes any possibility of artificial intelligence tracking, hence making the contents almost untraceable.

I've tested its results on many AI detection tools, as well as compare this to other humanizing tools out there. WH produces better content and better human rate percentage.

Stay tuned as I plan on incorporating WriteHuman into our membership site. I will probably have to integrate the shared access via lastpass. This will be available for paid members only.